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Planning & Zoning Department

Bridgeton Planning Board

The Bridgeton Planning and Zoning Department meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 202 N B Street.  Residents and business owners may attend meetings but should confirm with the Town Hall at (252) 637-3697, so that agenda copies can be made and relevant information provided to each attendee.


The Planning Board is comprised of town residents and business owners who volunteer for the board and are approved by the Town Council.  The term of office is 2 years for 2 board members as well as 3 year terms for 3 members.  This method of setting the term-limits insures that there are always at least 2 members carrying over from the prior year.


The Planning Board Makes recommendations to the City Council regarding approving subdivision requests, granting rezoning requests, adopting zoning and subdivision text amendments and Land Use Planning.  The board addresses long-range planning issues for the Town of Bridgeton as well as reviewing real estate marking information for the town.

Current Planning Board Members:

Cecilia Chittick - Chairwoman

Tracy Adams - Secretary

Jessica Harris

Rocky Carter

Mike O'Deadre

Town Planning/Zoning Administrator:

William Howard

202 North B Street

Bridgeton, NC 28519

(252) 637-3697

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